

A NOTE ABOUT CORRESPONDENCE: It’s become almost impossible for me to keep up with emails nowadays. If you write and don’t hear from me within a reasonable amount of time, it’s not personal, it’s just my brain cells are stuffed past capacity. Just drop me a gentle reminder, please, and I’ll do my best to take care of it. It’s not that I’m getting more emails now than before, but my energy is not what it once was. Thanks!
Please send mailed orders, correspondence, etc to:

John P. / King-Cat
P.O. Box 142
South Beloit, IL 61080

Email:   johnp_kingcat *AT* hotmail *DOT* com
PayPal order payments to kingcat_paypal *AT* hotmail *DOT* com

Facebook (John P.)
Facebook (King-Cat Group)
Maybe Blogging Will Help
Spit and a Half Distro
